Middle Ear Intelligence

KURZ is one of the world's leading manufacturers of passive middle ear implants, ventilation tubes and specialized precision instruments. For more than thirty years now we have set new standards in Innovation, Quality and science based developments. Thorough understanding of middle ear mechanics and clinical evidence makes KURZ® one of the most advanced Middle Ear reconstruction systems worldwide.

Products for Rhinology, Laryngology and Ophthalmology complete our ENT program.

This is a webpage for medical professionals.



2024年2月1日~2日 第33回日本頭頸部外科学術総会ならびに学術講演会に展示いたします。


展示は、顕微鏡・内視鏡カバーなどのドレープ類、JMR社製 K-cutter、東朋テクノロジー社製 iArms、クルツ社製鋼製小物、カグラ社製 トレーニング用内視鏡、国産鋼製小物、独ルドフル社製鋼製小物などを展示させて頂きます。